Information For Authors
information for authors
Preparing Your Manuscript:
Submission Guidelines:
- Please review our Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation, formatting, and submission requirements.
Template and Formatting:
- Submissions must adhere to our specified Overleaf template to ensure consistency across publications.
- Ensure your work is original, has not been published previously, and is not under consideration by other journals.
Submission Process:
Online Submission:
- Manuscripts should be submitted through our dedicated online submission platform.
- Before submitting, ensure compliance with all items in our submission checklist.
Submission Confirmation:
- You will receive a confirmation email upon successful submission.
Peer Review and Decision:
Double-Blind Review:
- Submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process, ensuring unbiased and rigorous evaluation.
Decision Notification:
- Authors will be informed about the decision (accept, minor/major revisions, or decline) and provided with constructive feedback.
Copyright and Licensing:
- Upon acceptance, authors retain copyright of their work. Authors grant the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computing Applications a license to publish the article under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.
- More details and the copyright agreement will be provided upon acceptance.
Article Processing Charge (APC):
- JAICA is an open access journal with an APC of $100 USD. This fee, which is lower for our initial phase as a new journal, contributes to the costs of the publication process, including indexing, maintenance, and administrative expenses.
- If revisions are required, authors must adhere to the provided feedback and deadlines.
Proofs and Publication:
- Authors will receive proofs for final approval before publication. Details regarding the publication schedule will be communicated.
Publication Ethics:
Ethical Standards:
- Adhere to high ethical standards in research and publishing. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
Visibility and Impact:
- We encourage authors to share and promote their published work through academic and professional networks.
Indexing and Access:
- The journal aims for indexation in major databases, ensuring wide visibility and impact.
Continuous Engagement:
- We welcome your suggestions for improving the author experience at our journal.
Stay Connected:
- Subscribe to our journal updates to stay informed about new issues and calls for papers.
We value your contributions to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computing Applications and look forward to receiving your submissions. Our editorial team is committed to supporting you throughout the publication process.